Thursday, May 15, 2008

Here are a few more bags I have knitted but haven't had time to post on etsy yet. why? because I am knitting like a crazy person to kep up with sales. this is not a bad thing. If you want to buy one of the ones here just click on bag at etsy and convo me which one of these you want. if you want more than one convo me and let me know and I will hook you up. The first one is the new pattern I have been trying out. the second two are the old pattern. both are great and I will continue to make both! These are quick pictures and not the best but like I said . . .quick . . . . The first one is light blue, the second is yellow orange and white (looks like sunshine!!) and the third id a lavender pinky whitish mix. looks like raspberries and cream frappaccino. mmm yummy.

and the beautiful back ground is my official etsy stock storage trunk. oh yeah baby, it is paisley on the inside. I totally scored at goodwill this week. . . .

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