Thursday, May 15, 2008

Here are a few more bags I have knitted but haven't had time to post on etsy yet. why? because I am knitting like a crazy person to kep up with sales. this is not a bad thing. If you want to buy one of the ones here just click on bag at etsy and convo me which one of these you want. if you want more than one convo me and let me know and I will hook you up. The first one is the new pattern I have been trying out. the second two are the old pattern. both are great and I will continue to make both! These are quick pictures and not the best but like I said . . .quick . . . . The first one is light blue, the second is yellow orange and white (looks like sunshine!!) and the third id a lavender pinky whitish mix. looks like raspberries and cream frappaccino. mmm yummy.

and the beautiful back ground is my official etsy stock storage trunk. oh yeah baby, it is paisley on the inside. I totally scored at goodwill this week. . . .

Thursday, May 8, 2008

here is a picture of the lace pattern when knit on the appropriate size needles. like I said either size needle (I really like them both) cost the same and will come out to about the same size bag. just depends on what you are using the bag for. i can also make these with the knit side or the purl side facing out. both look good.
My newest item!!!

These are currently available as custom items at a discount through my blog only.

Charge is $17.50 if you use my yarn from my stash or a currently available sugar and cream color. I could make them from basic acrylic at this price also. Or you can get a 3 pack from my stash yarn for $45. Or if you would like a specialty yarn I would do it for $15 each plus the price of the yarn. I need about 250 yards of dk/worsted/aran weight yarn. These prices apply to my other knitted bag also and you can mix and match for a three pack. I can knit a bag in 2-3 days but depending on how many orders I get it may take longer so I will give you an expected date of arrival when I get your oder just in case the orders come flooding in :) if you need them rushed let me know we may be able to work something out. I ship priority flat rate internationally and whatever is cheapest domestically (let me know if you want priority). I can fit 2-3 bags in a flat rate mailer. Ask me about prices.

and sorry I forgot to rotate the pictures . .

this is Ava doing her super model pose. The bag is actually bigger than this. I used the wrong size needles on the sample (of course I can make this size if you want it, cost is the same) so I got a scaled down bag so I am using my scaled down (super) model. She is a smallish 5 year old. The real bag will fit a real adult in a similar fashion.

this is the bag with nothing in it.

with something in it. a book (for a book club on Friday that I have not even begin to read), a medium reusable starbucks coffee cup (which promptly leaked in the bag), a bar of swell smelling soap and a container of carmex ("just in case" says Ava) and a ball of yarn.

an up close of the pattern

the grafting on the handle (I have to admit I am pretty impressed with the way my kitchener stitch is coming along.)

if you are interested in buying one the colors available in my stash here is what I have:
pink (above)
pink/sage mix

yellow/teal/lime mix

(I have a lot of those first 6 colors)

white/yellow mix (enough for one bag)

yellow/orange/teal/white mix (enough for one bag)

I have a sort of cornflower blue (a lot)

chocolate/mint/white (enough for 2 bags)

white (enough for 2 bags)

royal blue (enough for 2 bags maybe. this is a higher quality lys yarn. very nice)

***** money made on the sale of this bag will go towards buying a decent camera . . . yeah . . . .I am think a nikon cool pix but if you have suggestions I am open. . . .so buy lots of bags so that future customers won't have to suffer through blurry pictures. you can make a difference *****